Malaysia bukan hanya Genting dan Sunway Lagoon
Weka Gunawan
Pelajar Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia
Selama ini iklan-iklan wisata di Malaysia hanya fokus pada Kuala Lumpur dan Genting Highland saja. Padahal di Semenanjung Malaysia cukup banyak kawasan wisata yang masih asri. Tempat-tempat wisata ini adalah tempat wisata yang biasanya lebih sering dikunjungi orang-orang yang hidup di sekitar wilayah untuk sekedar berpiknik di akhir pekan.
Ada dua tempat yang menarik, lokasi wisata lokal itu yakni: Pantai Kemasek dan Hutan Lipur Sekayu. Keduanya berada di daerah Kemaman, Trengganu, sebuah negeri yang berada di Pantai Timur Malaysia. Trengganu dapat ditempuh sekitar 5 hingga 7 jam dari ibu kota negara Kuala Lumpur, melalui jalan Tol Pantai Timur. Jalan Tol di Malaysia benar-benar bebas hambatan dan banyak terdapat lokasi peristirahatan yang lengkap dengan restoran, kedai makan, pompa bensin dan kamar kecil, kamar mandi dan surau. Semua fasilitas itu dijamin bersih. Tidak ada kutipan saat menggunakan kamar kecil dan kamar mandi. Harga-harga makanan juga dicantumkan jelas dan semuanya murah.
Meskipun pantai Timur seringkali dianggap kurang maju dibandingkan negeri-negeri di Pantai Barat seperti Selangor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan dan Johor, tetapi kawasan ini tidak tertinggal dalam hal pelayanan yang baik.
Di Pantai Kemasek misalnya, tersedia kedai-kedai makan dan juga arena tempat bermain anak-anak. Arena bermain yang cukup luas ini, dilengkapi dengan mainan semacam luncuran, ayunan, kuda-kudaan, jungkat-jungkit dan lainnya yang terbuat dari bahan yang baik dan aman (bukan terbuat dari besi atau plastik seperti di arena bermain di Indonesia, yang harus membayar pula kalau ingin menggunakannya). Pantai Kemasek sangat indah, pasirnya berwarna coklat susu dan ada beberapa karang yang jika kita ke sana bisa melihat ikan-ikan kecil aneka warna, yang kebetulan terjebak di cekungan-cekungan karang. Orang-orang yang datang ke pantai biasa berpiknik, membawa bekal sendiri. Tetapi kemanapun anda memandang tidak anda temukan misalnya bekas kantong plastik, kertas koran atau botol-botol air mineral bekas, sisa-sisa piknik. Warga disana tahu benar untuk tidak meninggalkan sampah sesudah menikmati angin dan pemandangan pantai. Pantai Kemasek langsung menghadap Laut Cina Selatan sehingga deburan ombaknya cukup besar di saat-saat tertentu. Pantainya bersih sekali dan tidak ada bau-bau yang merusak seperti bau ikan atau bau busuk sisa-sisa makanan. Sekali lagi, tanpa harus mengutip biaya masuk untuk memasuki kawasan ini, anda akan mengatakan, ”Kok bisa kawasan ini lebih terpelihara dibanding kawasan alam di Indonesia? Padahal untuk masuk saja harus membayar?”
Jika ingin bermalam di sekitar pantai-pantai Trengganu, cukup banyak tersedia hotel dan resor yang indah dan mewah, tetapi murah. Harganya sekitar 70 hingga 200 ringgit saja.
Pantai Kemasek, Trengganu Foto: Weka Gunawan
Kawasan wisata lokal lainnya adalah Hutan Lipur Sekayu, merupakan bagian dari hutan lindung di Trengganu. Jika ingin bersunyi-sunyi, di hutan lipur ini tersedia rumah-rumah kayu yang disewakan Rumah-rumah ini mirip di bungalow- bungalow Hotel Safari Indonesia, namun harga per malamnya sangat murah. Hutan Lipur Sekayu menjanjikan suasana dan pemandangan yang alami. Air terjun yang bersih, kolam-kolam ikan alam. Para penjaga akan terus berkeliling menjaga dan membersihkan lokasi ini. Tetapi jika hanya ada berniat hanya menikmati pemandangan di sini tanpa bermaksud bermalam, anda cukup membayar 1 ringgit untuk parkir mobil. Untuk parkir motor cukup 50 sen. Sangat murah bukan? Di Hutan Lipur ini juga ada lokasi untuk memperkenalkan jenis-jenis tanaman obat pada anak-anak usia sekolah. Juga di depan setiap pohon ada tiang yang menginformasikan pohon-pohon dari jenis apa dan apa saja gunanya.
Sehingga dibanding ke Genting Highland, KLCC (Menara Petronas) dan Sunway Lagoon, maka liburan paling asyik buat saya adalah menyusuri pantai-pantai Timur Malaysia. Mengapa? karena di tempat-tempat tersebut suasana yang sama bahkan lebih keren, kita jumpai di Dufan Ancol dan tempat lain di Jakarta.
Air Terjun di Hutan Lipur Sekayu Trengganu
Foto: Weka Gunawan
Ditulis sebagai catatan perjalanan
This is the official blog of Dr.Weka Gunawan. She got her PhD in the field of family health from the Faculty of Medicine, University Kebangsaan Malaysia. Dr.Weka devoted herself since 1995 for the sake of public health, in the vicinity.
Senin, 22 Juni 2009
Malaysia is not only Genting and Sunway Lagoon
Breast Cancer, health
Sunway Lagoo,
Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009
Being Healthy, young and more beautyful!
Being healthy, young and more beautiful
By: Weka Gunawan
A PhD student of Faculty of Medicine,
National University of Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia
I was a TV journalist for RCTI and Trans corporation, both are prominent TV station in Indonesia. I have many friends, well almost them was seeking for always being healthy. Why? Because our work so stressful. We must managed our emotion to face many kind of people and we must worked for almost 24 hours a day! We did not just type news, but we have to give our audience our best performance in camera! Sadly, we almost did not have ‘me time’. Spa and massage were so luxury for us. We could pay for the treatment but we could do it seldomly.
When we hit our late 20s and 30s. It is common for us to start thinking about ageing. Some of us worry. We loved our profession. We got passion on that. Then, we started to see our diet. We chose to eat better to control our body. If you see all of us now, you do not believe that we look much younger in our age!
These are my tips for you!
Eat fruit and vegetables
Set a goal of at least five servings a day. A large number of vitamins, antioxidant and fibre in fruit and vegetables.
Eat less red meat
You better choose chicken and fish for your diet. But, you still can eat meat for special occasion.
Eat less processed foods
The more “whole” foods you eat, the better. Choose wholegrain over white bread or brown instead of white rice. High fibre will reduce of your cholesterol and oestrogen level which in return reduce your risk of the disease. Processed foods are always have high sodium, so you could got hypertension too.
Soy, Soy and Soy!
Soy products: milk, tofu and tempe. They all are cheap, but healthy food! It contain phyto-oestrogen, theoretically this is useful reducing breast cancer risk.
Have eggs
Choline an essential nutrient found in eggs and needed for normal functioning of cells in our body.
I like beans
Beans are high fibre, low fat, vitamin packed source of protein and full of antioxidants. When I pregnant my third baby, I felt sick to others food except beans! And my baby’s weight was more three kg when born. Studies show that the nutrients and phytochemicals in these legumes can reduce cholesterol and extra benefit can protect against breast cancer.
Say no to alcohol (wine, beer and Tuak (traditional drinking))
The consumption of alcohol is clearly linked to an increased risk of developing cancer. Studies said that, “Those who consume one alcoholic drink per day have a very small increase in risk compared to non drinkers, while those who have two to five drinks daily increase their by one and a half times”
Just put away cigarette!
Stop smoking right now! There is no advantages in smoking at all.
Not only control your diet but also your exercise!
You must exercise every day. Since you wake-up in the morning you can do exercise even you do not want to leave your bed! Just give your self, stretching for your tendon and muscles. You can walk around your place. Note for your self every day that you want to more healthy today!
Do regular check up
Do regular check up annually in clinic and hospital. Get regular screening test such as pap-smear test and mammography. Do not wait until terrible symptoms arise.
Get sleep whenever or wherever you can
As a busy person, it is almost impossible to get 8 hours sleep. It is really luxury! So you must try to sleep wherever and whenever you can. Take deep breathe and get relax as much as you can.
Do I need supplements?
Yes, you still need supplements. Why? Nowadays, we could not manage the pollutions around us such as in air, water and even in food. So, you put supplement in your diet.
Saturday, 20 June 2009.
By: Weka Gunawan
A PhD student of Faculty of Medicine,
National University of Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia
I was a TV journalist for RCTI and Trans corporation, both are prominent TV station in Indonesia. I have many friends, well almost them was seeking for always being healthy. Why? Because our work so stressful. We must managed our emotion to face many kind of people and we must worked for almost 24 hours a day! We did not just type news, but we have to give our audience our best performance in camera! Sadly, we almost did not have ‘me time’. Spa and massage were so luxury for us. We could pay for the treatment but we could do it seldomly.
When we hit our late 20s and 30s. It is common for us to start thinking about ageing. Some of us worry. We loved our profession. We got passion on that. Then, we started to see our diet. We chose to eat better to control our body. If you see all of us now, you do not believe that we look much younger in our age!
These are my tips for you!
Eat fruit and vegetables
Set a goal of at least five servings a day. A large number of vitamins, antioxidant and fibre in fruit and vegetables.
Eat less red meat
You better choose chicken and fish for your diet. But, you still can eat meat for special occasion.
Eat less processed foods
The more “whole” foods you eat, the better. Choose wholegrain over white bread or brown instead of white rice. High fibre will reduce of your cholesterol and oestrogen level which in return reduce your risk of the disease. Processed foods are always have high sodium, so you could got hypertension too.
Soy, Soy and Soy!
Soy products: milk, tofu and tempe. They all are cheap, but healthy food! It contain phyto-oestrogen, theoretically this is useful reducing breast cancer risk.
Have eggs
Choline an essential nutrient found in eggs and needed for normal functioning of cells in our body.
I like beans
Beans are high fibre, low fat, vitamin packed source of protein and full of antioxidants. When I pregnant my third baby, I felt sick to others food except beans! And my baby’s weight was more three kg when born. Studies show that the nutrients and phytochemicals in these legumes can reduce cholesterol and extra benefit can protect against breast cancer.
Say no to alcohol (wine, beer and Tuak (traditional drinking))
The consumption of alcohol is clearly linked to an increased risk of developing cancer. Studies said that, “Those who consume one alcoholic drink per day have a very small increase in risk compared to non drinkers, while those who have two to five drinks daily increase their by one and a half times”
Just put away cigarette!
Stop smoking right now! There is no advantages in smoking at all.
Not only control your diet but also your exercise!
You must exercise every day. Since you wake-up in the morning you can do exercise even you do not want to leave your bed! Just give your self, stretching for your tendon and muscles. You can walk around your place. Note for your self every day that you want to more healthy today!
Do regular check up
Do regular check up annually in clinic and hospital. Get regular screening test such as pap-smear test and mammography. Do not wait until terrible symptoms arise.
Get sleep whenever or wherever you can
As a busy person, it is almost impossible to get 8 hours sleep. It is really luxury! So you must try to sleep wherever and whenever you can. Take deep breathe and get relax as much as you can.
Do I need supplements?
Yes, you still need supplements. Why? Nowadays, we could not manage the pollutions around us such as in air, water and even in food. So, you put supplement in your diet.
Saturday, 20 June 2009.
Kamis, 18 Juni 2009
Do I need chemotheraphy
Do I need chemotherapy?By: Weka Gunawan
A PhD Student
Faculty of Medicine
National University of Malaysia (UKM)
My friend Dian Islamiati Fatwa sent me s-m-s: “The surgery went well. I’m not on morphine anymore. Dad is here to be with me. He will flying back to Jakarta today. I’m in a good spirit. I managed to conduct a business meeting 2 hours after surgery for my carbon trading project in Indonesia in my bed with my counterpart. Hundred people beat cancer and I’m quite optimist I could beat the cancer”
If your doctor recommended chemotherapy, you should to do so
After surgery she might be still need chemotherapy treatment. The purpose of the treatment is to kill off any possible remnants of cancerous cells that might still be present cannot to be detected by current available imaging technologies. This will reduce the risk of cancer of relapsing and increase the chance of surviving breast cancer. It is always good for the patient to discuss treatment to her oncologist.
Look on the bright side
Many cancer patient rejected chemotherapy. Patient with chemotherapy treatment may experience hair loss and changes to her skin and nails.
All chemotherapy treatment results in side effect. Depending on the type of the treatment, side effects do vary from one individual to another. It is very important to note that those side effects are mostly temporary and tend to subside once treatment is completed. You can consult to your oncologist in order that you can manage the side effects while on treatment. It is important that we weigh the potential long-term benefits of treatment against its temporary side effects.
Yes Dian, you can beat the cancer!
TIPS For early detection to breast cancer!
Please note, that early breast cancer does not cause pain. But, you must see your doctor when you feel pain in your breast or any other symptoms. Give TLC for your breast weekly!
Your breast. Feel for anything unusual, such as lumps, thickening, or changes in skin texture in the breast or armpit.
For changes, such as one breast becoming larger than other, puckering or dimpling of the skin, changes in the appearance or direction of the nipple, discharge, or a rash forming on or around the nipple. Anything that appears unusual visually should not be taken lightly.
Out anything unusual with your doctor immediately. If a doctor thinks a lump is related hormonal changes related to your period, he may advise you to wait through one cycle. If the lumps persists or is worrying you, there is no harm in getting a re-examination or an additional test.
A PhD Student
Faculty of Medicine
National University of Malaysia (UKM)
My friend Dian Islamiati Fatwa sent me s-m-s: “The surgery went well. I’m not on morphine anymore. Dad is here to be with me. He will flying back to Jakarta today. I’m in a good spirit. I managed to conduct a business meeting 2 hours after surgery for my carbon trading project in Indonesia in my bed with my counterpart. Hundred people beat cancer and I’m quite optimist I could beat the cancer”
If your doctor recommended chemotherapy, you should to do so
After surgery she might be still need chemotherapy treatment. The purpose of the treatment is to kill off any possible remnants of cancerous cells that might still be present cannot to be detected by current available imaging technologies. This will reduce the risk of cancer of relapsing and increase the chance of surviving breast cancer. It is always good for the patient to discuss treatment to her oncologist.
Look on the bright side
Many cancer patient rejected chemotherapy. Patient with chemotherapy treatment may experience hair loss and changes to her skin and nails.
All chemotherapy treatment results in side effect. Depending on the type of the treatment, side effects do vary from one individual to another. It is very important to note that those side effects are mostly temporary and tend to subside once treatment is completed. You can consult to your oncologist in order that you can manage the side effects while on treatment. It is important that we weigh the potential long-term benefits of treatment against its temporary side effects.
Yes Dian, you can beat the cancer!
TIPS For early detection to breast cancer!
Please note, that early breast cancer does not cause pain. But, you must see your doctor when you feel pain in your breast or any other symptoms. Give TLC for your breast weekly!
Your breast. Feel for anything unusual, such as lumps, thickening, or changes in skin texture in the breast or armpit.
For changes, such as one breast becoming larger than other, puckering or dimpling of the skin, changes in the appearance or direction of the nipple, discharge, or a rash forming on or around the nipple. Anything that appears unusual visually should not be taken lightly.
Out anything unusual with your doctor immediately. If a doctor thinks a lump is related hormonal changes related to your period, he may advise you to wait through one cycle. If the lumps persists or is worrying you, there is no harm in getting a re-examination or an additional test.
Breast Cancer, health
Breast Cancer,
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